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March 2025


Hey, longtime pw readers…

Remember the inane leftist “timb” who used to comment here, and who later formed a Frisch-like obessession with me? Well, now he derides me on Instapundit whenever Glenn links me. This isn’t surprising. But what is surprising is that he included a picture of himself in his account profile. And it’s exactly as you imagined it would be. Behold!

Patrick J. Carroll truly IS a sad, embittered psychopath

Nearly every time Glenn Reynolds links me, this pathetic troll shows up to rehash a grudge he’s carrying from 14 years ago — one for which he was entirely in the wrong, as I’ve proven many times with contemporaneous links. He ignores those links, then waits for the next time I’m mentioned before starting the whole thing over again. Because the world owes Patrick J. Carroll free content for years

Patrick J. Carroll might be a psychopath

Dude is over on Instapundit claiming I’m stalking him. I don’t have a clue who he is, except that every time I run a fundraiser he shows up to piss on it over a supposed “promise” I made him in 2008(!!) to physically cover the Democratic Convention in Denver. Even so, he sent me $50 the other day, then said he felt he was being ripped off. I returned his

God Bless Stephen Green and Instapundit

We are humbled.

Help, if you’re able

We’re getting very close to losing everything. I’m out of ideas.


So for a while now I’ve been discussing the lab-created SARS-CoV-2 virus, especially its spike protein, which alone, I’ve claimed, is pathogenic (30%). The mainstream press and the regulatory and healthcare bureaucracies in the US and other parts of the world have said otherwise. More, they’ve assured you that the code injected in vaccines is short lived and remains at the injection site, and the mRNA immediately flushed. Neither of

The psychological formation of Covid neuroses: on psy-ops and mass event “hypnotism”

Interesting discussion. Free-floating anxiety is given an attachment mechanism by the media, converting it into a directed anxiety that in turn creates a new social group dedicated to defeating the anxiety that’s been artificially attached to the object in need defeat — in this case, a virus with a death rate below .5% in most cohorts. The result is a kind of mass-psychosis that hopes to present as altruism. Vaccine

Is a Covid political alignment coming?

I’m dubious about polling showing a majority of Americans are in favor of vaccine mandates, especially now that the evidence shows that a vaccination can’t prevent you from acquiring or transmitting COVID-19 — and that with Delta, a growing number of population studies are showing that the vaccinated are more likely to acquire COVID, more likely to be hospitalized, and more likely to die. Whether this has to do with

The horror. The horror…

Daniel Horowitz, The Blaze: In October 2018, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health published a report that, if one didn’t know better, might make readers think the authors were involved in the gain-of-function research that likely created this virus. The report, titled “Technologies to Address Global Catastrophic Biological Risks,” offers novel social control and mRNA vaccination ideas to deal with emerging pandemics “whether naturally emerging or reemerging, deliberately

ICU Doctor: “my experience this year treating patients in a busy ICU does not comport with claims made by federal health authorities regarding the safety of Covid-19 vaccines”

Read her letter to the FDA here. As her lawyers note [first page], Dr Patricia Lee, the letter’s author, has received no reply as of yet.